Thread: stupid people
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  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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ADAM S. wrote:

> everywhere you turn there are troublemakers with their warped thinking,
> first off people this section is for food no one cares about how much
> lint you have in your head, take you views and stick them, it only takes
> one or two and it gets everyone off track, i hate everyone against
> america, this is the best country in the world maybe your in another
> land, stay there we dont need dopes like you, and if you in this country
> i would love to get my hands on you, then we would see how you
> sand-monkeys are so hated

Oh great. Another poster child for ignorant,
uneducated webtv trailer trash. Look.. go back to
school, get your HS diploma (better take some
remedial English, ok?) and then come back and
present your off topic post again for critique.
We're happy to oblige.