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Priscilla Ballou
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In article >,
Priscilla Ballou > wrote:

> In article . com>,
> "aem" > wrote:
> > Dee Randall wrote:
> > > >
> > > Can you refer me to a place I can read about "red cooking." I have a
> > > lot of chinese cookbooks that I could look it up -- but what would I
> > > look for in an index, a specific dish, or under red sauce, or just
> > > how.

> >
> > I'm not sure how to help, partly because I haven't yet found whichever
> > box in the basement has most of my cookbooks. In particular, there was
> > one titled something like "Chinese Casserole Cooking" that was mostly
> > red-cooked dishes. But just look in the index of your books for
> > "red-cooked" this or that and you ought to find something. If not,
> > look for "soy sauce chicken" or "stewed oxtails" or something like
> > that. The casserole book called one dish "Lemon Chicken", which turned
> > out just to mean that after simmering in the loo sauce you topped it
> > off with a lemon and sugar mixture at the end. So look for that, too.
> > Red-cooking just means to simmer something in a dark liquid. A Chinese
> > equivalent to stews and braises. Maybe someone else can help....

> "Chinese potroast" is how I explained it to someone at work.

Following up to myself...

Although that's almost more a cultural niche designation than it is a
culinary analogy.

"And what's this crap about Sodomites? It's always Sodomites this and
Sodomites that. What about us Gomorrahians? We were there too; we
deserve some mention. Sodom always gets the credit, and Gomorrah always
does the work." - JohnN in alt.religion.christian.episcopal