On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 00:46:26 GMT, "Vox Humana" > wrote:
>> You're not tasting starch in that undercooked roux, or rather you're
>> tasting everything else plus ungelatinized starch. It's pasty and
>> that's because the starch is part of a very complex little package,
>> each member of which needs to be cooked in its own fashion. Cut to the
>> chase. Use a pure starch. If you want the opacity that flour provides,
>> use a slurry with some cream in it instead of the roux. Finish by
>> mounting with butter and - voila - a good, classic, Escoffier-approved
>> sauce.
>Another alternative is to use Wondra Flour which is pre-gelatinized.
Is WONDRA really better as a thickener ??
I thought it was all advertising hype.