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Damsel in dis Dress
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"Maverick" >, if that's their real name, wrote:

>I wish I could do a ham for Easter but ham is a migraine-trigger for my

Is she able to eat smoked turkey?

>I'll probably get one of those shrimp cocktail rings from the stupidmarket
>(safeway) for an appetizer. I know, you purists would tell me to make my
>own. Been there, done that! Ain't doing that again if I can help it!
>We'll also have a veggie tray but I'll make that myself.

I'm not a purist, so I approve of your plan.

>I'll most likely grill some NY Strip steaks, with a foil packet of sliced
>zucchini (with S&P, butter, parsley, teensy bit of minced garlic) and
>another foil packet of diced potatoes (including butter, chopped up
>caramelized onions (haven't tried that before), and S&P) or baked potatoes.

You're making me hungry, and I just finished dinner! LOL!

>For the steaks, I'll have S&P and granulated garlic powder (the only time I
>don't use fresh garlic).

New York Strip Steaks are a big favorite of Crash's. I'm acquiring a taste
for them, but they cut a big chunk out of our food budget.

>We'll be too stuffed for dessert so I won't even bother with it.

That's what I'm thinking, and we're having about 1/3 of what you're

>I think I'll make devilled(sp) eggs this year. Anyone have a good recipe
>for devilled(sp) eggs? I've never made them.

These aren't recipes, per se ...

Regulation Devilled Eggs:
Cut hard-boiled eggs lengthwise, scoop out the yolk, and set the (hopefully
intact) egg white halves aside. Mash the yolks with a fork and add mayo
and mustard to taste. Using two spoons (the one time I tried using the
"squirt it out of a plastic bag" technique, I wound up with eggs that
looked like someone had pooped in them), fill the whites with the yolk
mixture, then sprinkle the tops with paprika.

Curried Devilled Eggs (my favorite to date):
Follow the above recipe, but instead of adding mustard, use curry powder to
taste (I use Penzey's Sweet Curry). Complete as above, but use curry
powder in place of the paprika.

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_