"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
> "Maverick" >, if that's their real name,
> wrote:
>>I wish I could do a ham for Easter but ham is a migraine-trigger for my
> Is she able to eat smoked turkey?
Yes but after Thanksgiving (we did a normal oven turkey and a deep fried
turkey) and Christmas (just a small oven turkey), I'm not all that
interested in turkey right now. Besides, I'm not really fond of smoked
> New York Strip Steaks are a big favorite of Crash's. I'm acquiring a
> taste
> for them, but they cut a big chunk out of our food budget.
Yeah, I can relate to that. The way beef prices have skyrocketed we haven't
had steak in quite a while. Which doesn't bother me too much. I'd rather
eat chicken or pork myself. The Wife, OTOH, wants beef. so it's been a long
struggle when dinner time rolls around. I think I'm going to buy a half a
cow this year so we can a great price and a much better quality as well.
>>We'll be too stuffed for dessert so I won't even bother with it.
> That's what I'm thinking, and we're having about 1/3 of what you're
> serving.
Well, it won't be just the wife and I. There will be seven of us it is not
as much food as you think.
>>I think I'll make devilled(sp) eggs this year. Anyone have a good recipe
>>for devilled(sp) eggs? I've never made them.
> These aren't recipes, per se ...
> Regulation Devilled Eggs:
> Cut hard-boiled eggs lengthwise, scoop out the yolk, and set the
> (hopefully
> intact) egg white halves aside. Mash the yolks with a fork and add mayo
> and mustard to taste. Using two spoons (the one time I tried using the
> "squirt it out of a plastic bag" technique, I wound up with eggs that
> looked like someone had pooped in them), fill the whites with the yolk
> mixture, then sprinkle the tops with paprika.
> Curried Devilled Eggs (my favorite to date):
> Follow the above recipe, but instead of adding mustard, use curry powder
> to
> taste (I use Penzey's Sweet Curry). Complete as above, but use curry
> powder in place of the paprika.
> Carol
I'm going to try all the recipes that have been posted and see which one we
like best. I'll make that one for Easter. I've learned to not experiment
with a new recipe on holidays. On holidays, the only place open is a gas
station so if something goes wrong, we're screwed. That hurts, btw!
Thanks for the support and recipes!
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