Java Man wrote:
> In article >,
> says...
>>What I want to know in relation to QM: Does the fact that my SD turns
>>out different every time I make it, a result of the mulitverse
>>interference or is God just playing dice, after all?
> Stop peeking.
> Shrodinger's cat is instructive. Shrodinger opined that there's a 50-50
> chance that his cat is dead, but that isn't decided until you peek.
> Similarly, there's a 50-50 chance the loaf is great, but like the
> ephemeral feline, the die isn't cast until you look.
> But you can fool the loaf into being great! Here's how and why it
> works.
> The loaf is neither great nor terrible until you look at it. Until that
> time, it must maintain a 50-50 chance of turning out either way. But if
> you don't look until it's done, you have tricked it! After all, it
> can't "unrise", "unbrown" or "uncook itself". Therefore, if you don't
> look, it will turn out great!
> I'm surprised Shrodinger didn't think of this.
> ;-)
> Rick
great point. then there is the waveform collapse. like my bread,
observation (peeking) collapses the waveform. conclusion- don't look
until it is too late. thx for the help
ps- don't tell Ticker about the half dead cat.
Dan w