"Kyle Phillips" wrote >
> "Dog3" wrote>> Okay, I found out late last night someone is usin my social
> security
>> number. Supposedly I own a car in Nebraska that was involved in a car
>> accident, a bad one. I have called the local authorities,not much luck
>> there. Gawd, I've never been to Nebraska.
> Ouch. I'm sorry this happened. The below is from an old issue of Cosa
> Bolle
> in Pentola, my (nominally) Italian wine food and travel newsletter:
(great information clipped and saved)
> Kyle
> http://www.cosablle.com
When shopping and handing over my credit card and signing the charge slip, I
often ask the clerk, "Did you check the signatures, to see if they match?"
I'm always greeted with the same puzzled look. Scary. Try it sometime.