Thread: Soymilk
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In article >,
Siobhan Perricone > wrote:

> I keep talking about ultrapasteurized dairy products here. They last
> forever. I love them. Simply Smart is one type of ultrapasteurized milk
> that's lower in fat but still tastes good. I also get ultrapasteurized
> cream and half and half. They never go bad on me, and I keep them for,
> easily, a month and a half.

Thanks for the tip! I don't have an intolerance to lactose -- just
an intolerance to spending good money on something I'll just have to
throw out later.* I'll check out what is ultrapasteurized around


* Excepting George Carlin's observation that "Flowers are the only
thing that you bring them home...and they die...and you
[don't] want your money back.