Thread: Rochefort 8
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Joris Pattyn
Posts: n/a

> Rochefort, especially the 8 (which I think is superior to the 10, which is
> an exercise similar to deciding which sexual position is "superior" to
> another), is an astoundingly complex beer. The only thing I've had that's
> more complex is Westvleteren.

I have heard this several times over, as well as people taking an oath on
the 6, and inevitably, on the 10. It is essentially a matter of personal
taste, as in essentio, all three Rochefort beers are brewed to EXACTLY the
same recipe, the only difference being the ration ingredients/water. I'm not
making this up, they've told me so in all earnesty at the brewery.
Taste, OK, but if somebody tries to tell me Rochefort 8 is more complex than
Rochefort 10, I can't help guffawing.
Cheers, Joris