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On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 12:46:05 -0500, Scott >

>Here's one for the idiot file:
>A friend of mine used to own a hardware store. I was there one day,
>chatting with him, when a woman in her mid-thirties came in, wearing a
>cap with the logo of a local county police department.
>She paid for her purchase with a credit card. My friend checked the
>signatures, and said to her, "the credit card doesn't have a signature
>on it. I'll have to see some ID."
>With a little triumphant smile, the woman said, "See? That's a police
>trick. Don't sign your credit cards. If someone steals 'em, they'll have
>to show ID before they can use 'em."
>Me: "Well, no. They'll just sign the back of the credit cards. That way,
>the signatures will match and they won't be caught."
>She: "They can't do that!"
>Me: "Of course they can. They have your credit card in their hands. They
>can do whatever they want to it."
>The look on her face was comical.

On your credit card, where the signature goes, just write, "ASK FOR
