In article >,
Katra > wrote:
> I love pressure cooking for a LOT of things.
> It speeds things up and prevents things from drying out.
> I always use it for rice as well (30 minutes once it comes up to
> pressure, usually cook with meat stock) and it makes the most FABulous
> yams you've ever had!
> kat
Huh? How much rice and what kind? I cook one cup of raw white long
grain rice in two cups of water in the microwave in about 15 minutes.
-Barb, <> Sweet Potato Follies added 2/24/05.
"I read recipes the way I read science fiction: I get to the end and
say,'Well, that's not going to happen.'" - Comedian Rita Rudner,
performance at New York, New York, January 10, 2005.