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Bob, I have just canned about 3 cookers full of pinto beans, and just about
have it down to an art.

First I soak the dried beans for 24 to 36 hours. Where I have had problems
is in not allowing enough head space. Even though they soak that long, they
will still expand and not let the jars seal.

Finally I learned that if I fill the jar to within 2 inches of the top with
beans and then add water to within 1/2 to1 inch from the top, they will come
out OK. Otherwise the top 1 to 2 inches of beans are not covered in juice.

If I do it that way, the beans expand and still have enough juice. It makes
them a lot better eating also. I have also canned them with ham, ham hocks,
pork, onions, and garlic. So far they have all tasted OK (except for one
quart that I forgot to add the teaspoon of salt).

Everyone likes mine better because I can control the amount of salt that
goes in it. Some that I have bought were really salty.


"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> Do you still have to soak them first? How many minutes to cook navy beans
> at 15 pounds? Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Bob