In article >,
zxcvbob > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> > In article et>,
> > serene > wrote:
> >
> >
> >>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 14:35:59 -0800, Katra wrote
> >>(in article
> >):
> >>
> >>
> >>>I always use it for rice as well (30 minutes once it comes up to pressure,
> >>>usually cook with meat stock)
> >>
> >>But rice only takes me 20 minutes from the boil in the conventional
> >>manner (45-50 minutes for brown rice). That doesn't seem like much
> >>of a time savings.
> >>
> >>serene
> >>
> >
> >
> > Maybe not for you, but pressuring seems to be the only way I can ever
> > get it right! :-P I've tried just steaming rice in a covered pot on the
> > stove and it always comes out hard and crunchy. I've not figured out
> > what I'm doing wrong! It just won't absorb the darned liquid, but
> > pressuring makes perfect rice for me every time! :-)
> >
> You don't perhaps live in Leadville, Colorado (10200' elevation) do you?
> Best regards,
> Bob
<lol> No, and I'm well aware of the association between high altitude
and boiling water... ;-) We used to live at 8,000 ft. above Denver
Colorado. A pressure cooker is an indespensable tool when you live at
those hights!
I live in Central Texas which is plenty low enough to boil water
Honestly, I have no idea why I've never had good luck cooking rice the
standard way on the stovetop! :-(
Pressure cooker or microwave works fine tho'. I just really like the
texture of pressured rice!
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra