Goomba38 wrote:
> Sandi wrote:
> > Depends on where you are ...and how much effort you the consumer will
> > put into it. The police won't do the leg work. Been there, done that
> > with ID theft and ther perp is in prison as I type.I provided all sorts
> > of infomation...including an address that the perp had used which I had
> > never resided at. it showed up on my credit report...and they busted
> > her...for ID theft, grand larceny, forgery, bank fraud, theft of
> > negotiable instuments (she'd stolen checks form a local escrow
> > company). My latest credit report shows that none of this ever
> > occurred.
> > Sandi
> Any clue as to how she obtained your information?
> That's something I like to know to be forewarned,
> y'know?
OT'ish as regards Michael's sitch we are talking about, but another way ID's
are stolen is when people are deceased...
A guy I knew years ago is in prison in Wisconsin for stealing identities
from decedents. He'd comb the obituaries looking for "marks"...he'd then
contact the family (usually via the funeral home) claiming he was a
Wisconsin state tax official, claiming he needed further info to clear up
some "final tax matters". He would get this info and use it to get credit,
checking accounts, car loans, etc. He'd fence the more expensive
He had quite a nice little scam going until one family got wise and
contacted the police. His biggest boo - boo was impersonating a tax
official, the judge did not like that at all. He also had prior convictions
for ID theft, these he stole by rummaging through dumpsters...
Thing was 20+ years ago when I was acquainted with this guy he seemed
perfectly normal and nice He had an MBA from DePaul University here in
Chicago, had a good job with a brokerage firm in the Loop, had a nice
family, etc. Turns out that despite all his advantages he just had a
criminal mind I guess...
So ya never know...and just because you are deceased is no guarantee you are
safe from these scumbags...
There are more grifters out there than ya'd think, it's not just something
you see in movies. They usually are normal and even nice people, can be
very charming in fact...natcherly that's part of their MO.