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Karen AKA Kajikit
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 23:06:02 GMT, "MareCat"
> wrote:

>"Karen AKA Kajikit" > wrote in message
.. .
>> The only lime recipe I know is key lime pie... it's delicious, but I
>> can't make it EVERY week! What else are they good for? I tried putting
>> fresh lime juice into a salad dressing but it came out horrid.

>My favorite marinade for chicken kabobs is lime juice, oil, garlic, s/p,
>thyme, oregano, and red pepper flakes.
>Do you use key limes for your key lime pie? We can get them fresh in the
>produce dept. in our supermarkets here (I'm in Houston). Each mesh bag holds
>20-30 or so. Below is a very good key lime cookie recipe (posted in this ng
>by ) that uses fresh key limes.

I don't really know... I'm in Florida and the limes are tiny, if that
means anything! I think they might be Mexican limes... they taste good
but they don't have a lot of juice in them because they're so small.
~Karen aka Kajikit
Lover of fine chocolate, fun crafts, and furry felines
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