aem wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote:
> > [snip]
> > Let's see... The beans were raw when they went in, and cooked when
> > they came out. Cooking is a process, so I don't know why you think
> > this distiction is important.
> We've never had a pressure cooker, and I've never understood why they
> are used for cooking, since they seem to require extra care to avoid
> kitchen disasters. I'm curious to knw if there is any advantage to
> them other than saving time?
> -aem
As previously mentioned, pressure cooking is a "crap shoot"... put
everything in a pot, seal it and hope for the best... without ever
even once lifting the lid to make any adjustments or to check if
whether it's done cooking or not before undoing the contraption. So if
one is lucky enough to have low culinary expectations then I suppose
the time saved is important. But I honestly see no time saved
regardless, especially not where cooking beans is concerned... I mean
like who stands around for hours *constantly* staring at a pot of beans
cooking. And if someone were truely/honestly in a hurry they'd buy
canned... anyone says pressure cookers save time is a
LIAR/IDIOT-Both... yoose choose.