On 28-Feb-2005, wrote:
> My question is this: How does anyone know how to have the right
> ingredients at home, or do all the good cooks go to the store at least
> 3 times a day? I guess the other option would be to buy a few cans,
> jars, and boxes of every product sold in a grocery store, but I cant
> afford that, and half the stuff would spoil, not to mention where to
> keep it all. I opened another box of something awhile back that said
> "just add one cup of chicken". OK, I sat there thinking about how I
> was going to load my rifle, and go find me a chicken, chop off one
> cups worth and proceed to finally cook my meal a week later..... yeah,
I am also older and divorced for 10 years. I have a pantry stocked with a
few cans of commonly needed ingredient; like, diced tomatoes, canned beans,
jars of pasta sauce, etc. Oh, and canned chicken breast, ham and little
shrimp. I read labels; why are you putting things in your cart without
checking what else you need. Most of the boxed dinners have directions on
the back or side telling you what you need to make it; before you put it in
your cart, make sure you have what you need or add it to your grocery list.
Grocery list - that is the next thing you need. Before you go to the store,
think about what you have on hand, what you will be wanting to fix and make
a list of the things you need.
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