What is the name of that restaurant and where is it located? My mom is a
fry bread nut and might be talked into a dinner run there.
Bart D. Hull
Tempe, Arizona
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Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sat 05 Feb 2005 11:12:45a, wrote in rec.food.cooking:
>>On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 23:46:29 GMT, "Dimitri" >
>>>"Carol In WI" > wrote in message
>>>>What is Indian fry Bread? Carol In WI
>>Otherwise known (at least in the Canadian North) as "bannock".
>>And yes, it was borrowed from the Orkney Islanders hired by the
>>Hudson's Bay Company to man the fur trading posts.
>>Shirley Hicks
>>Toronto, Ontario
> Here in Phoenix there is a place whose specialty is Indian Fry Bread.
> People I know rave about it. I tried it, but wasn't impressed. It seemed
> rather flavorless and doughy.
> Wayne