On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 23:17:10 -0800, Damsel in dis Dress wrote
(in article >):
> serene >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>> On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 20:55:45 -0800, Damsel in dis Dress wrote
>> (in article >):
>>> Oh yeah? Well, I'm currently baking chopped up, overcooked, pork loin
>>> roast with sauerkraut! Top THAT!
>> Campbell's tomato soup with milk (okay, half-and-half) instead of
>> water.
> I've never acquired a taste for tomato soup made with milk. Mom always
> used water, so that's what my preference is. But, unless you added a shot
> of worcestershire and a sprinkling of basil, that soup just isn't as
> glamorous as dried up pork and sauerkraut. What else have you got?
Hmm, besides last night's Oscar-party fare? What's trashier than hot
dogs and nachos?
Ooh, I got it! I made a quick "carbonara"-ish sauce for Guy's dinner
the other day -- fried up some bacon, added half-and-half, mixed it
into spaghetti with butter and parmesan.
>> Okay, it's trashy, but I have a toothache, and I want to have the
>> food I loved as a kid. Comfort food. Trashy comfort food.
>> *happysigh*
> My "sick soup" is Chicken with Stars. We keep several cans on hand.
I dislike chicken soup with two exceptions: My mom's matzoh ball
soup, and Lipton cream of chicken Cup-a-Soup (speaking of trashy).
Comfort food for me is almost always something creamy. Not sure why,
and it's kind of unfair, since milk makes me sick.
> I hope you're feeling better soon. Tooth pain is the WORST!
Thanks so much. Only about 32 hours until my dentist appointment.