how to recreate Dots candy?
Hi all,
I like a little candy from time to time, but after
learning how the dyes and flavorings that are in the
Dots candy, which are my favorite candy, are derived from
petrochemicals, I think I would prefer to make my
own at home if possible, avoiding unnatural chemicals.
Especially after viewing the excellent documentary
Supersize Me, and the interview at the end of the DVD
with the author of Fast Food Nation, I just want to steer clear
of any product where some company has decided they don't care
if they poison me if it improves their profit margin.
Especially since a lot of these petrochemicals can have
contaminants due to shoddy manufacturing processes and those
contaminants can be carinogenic. Eat today, get cancer
tomorrow kind of thing.
But can anyone point me to a recipe for making Dots
or something like them? I plan to use truly natural
flavorings and I hope I can use maple syrup or some such