On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, Maverick wrote:
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> OK, I will confess. I am an older bachelor, and a lousy cook. But
>> there is at least partially a good reason I am a lousy cook. The
>> reason is that I never have the right ingredients. For example, I
>> bought a box of that Zatarins (sp?) rice mix. I get home and find
>> that it needs to be mixed with a can of diced tomatoes. I dont have
>> any canned tomatoes..... I live in a rural area, and the nearest
>> grocery store is 6 miles away, so I am not driving all the way to town
>> just to get a can of tomatoes. Heck, by the time I burn up all that
>> gas, if I get to town, I'll eat at a fast food restaurant and probably
>> save money, not to mention eating better tasting food.
> 6 miles is a long way?
somehow i don't think he's as rural as he thinks he is. to me, it sounds
like he lives just outside of Uniontown (American reference, because it's
where i'm from ;-) )
> Well, I'm a married man with a kids. We keep all kinds of staples on hand
> all the time. I figure we can whip up 3 days worth of meals with what we
> keep on hand.
from the stuff I keep on hand, we could eat healthily for about.... three
months. how do you manage to keep so little on hand?
> Well, I can't speak for everybody but I do read the nutritional box,
> ingredient box, and the "how to cook" box. Once you get used to cooking
> with good ingredients, you'll find the taste of fast-food will start to
> taste like shit.
the ingredient box is mostly only useful on stuff like sauces (if you're
an "i don't like sugary sauces" person, you'll be staying away from
teriyaki, etc.)