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Lena B Katz
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, MisterHim wrote:

> George wrote:
>> A guy decides to eat huge quantities of only the highest calorie items
>> from a fast food restaurant and only those items every day and film
>> himself is neither a documentary or excellent.

> You shouldn't criticize a film you've never seen; that's just
> ignorant and close-minded.
> Key benefits of the film (just a few of many):
> * McDonalds says their food is healthy when the movie proves it isn't.

It's great food. just like chocolate. very nutritious, pound for pound,
based on caloric intake.

now, if _I_ was told that I had to live on McD's for a month... and would
get paid for the priveledge... I'd probably eat there twice a day (I'd
at least have a budget for caloric intake), and
hike the rest of the time. If I could, I'd get someone to "airdrop" the
food, so that I wouldn't have to stop hiking. I figure, in a month, I
at least get to Canada...

> * None of the doctors in the film expected that continued consumption
> of McD food would lead to liver damage equal in extent to that of
> being an alcoholic.

This bears investigation... specifically crosschecking against other
cultures with similar diets (think Inuit). could just be a weird genetic
predisposition (doubtful, tho).

> * The rate of fat gain was proven to be much faster than
> expected.

did mr. idiot try to burn off any cals? guess not. doubt he had
calculated how many kaycees he had before the "diet".

> * It provides great insight into the fast food industry and how
> it manipulates people.

awww... you sweet thing, you managed to miss him manipulating _you_
against the fast food people!


I know people who lost weight on an "O" Diet. That's an order of The
Original Hot Dog Shop's fries (and maybe a burger), once a day. that's
all you'll need.