Sandi wrote:
> Default User wrote:
> > Please start following usenet conventions and quote a reasonable
> > portion of the post you are replying to
> I=B4ve posted here for several years and today I freaking forgot to
> the alternative show options method to reply. So shoot me. Are you so
> perfect that you never make mistakes or errors?
1=2E It's become a big problem with all the people starting to post from
Groople. I try to post the instructions occasionally because many
people using the service don't know HOW to quote.
2=2E You didn't "forget" once, it was at least a half-dozen times. Had it
been a one-time thing, I wouldn't have mentioned it. It was a pattern
with you.
3=2E We all make mistakes. I haven't forgotten to quote when posting from
Google. Make of that what you will.