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In article >,
"elaine" > wrote:

> Katra,
> Congratulations on losing 23lbs. Now that's the kind of incentive that
> should keep you going until you reach your goal. Good luck!

Thank you! ;-)
As long as that scale keeps moving down, I can stay motivated... I
finally went to see an endocrinologist as I knew there was more to my
weight problem than just eating too much. She's adjusted my thyroid
medication, and put me on Metformin for insulin resistance.

Now I can diet and have it work. <G> Low carb of course.....

> This doesn't having anything to do with the Tilia food saver, although it
> sounds wonderful. Yesterday, I bought some pickled asparagus from Costco -
> they were really good. Now that asparagus season is almost upon us (at
> least here in Ontario), I plan on making some myself. I would imagine it
> would be like pickling cucumbers. Will check it out at Google.
> Elaine

Hey I'm going to have to check that out, thanks!
I'm fixin' to trim the dead ferns out of my own asparagus patch as I
should start getting spears pretty soon! I leave the dead ferns over
the winter to provide strucural support for the sheet I put over the
asparagus patch to protect the root systems. I also need to add more
compost to the patch.

Pickled asparagus sounds wonderful!




Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra