Janet Bostwick wrote:
> "Sandi" > wrote in message
> oups.com...
> Addendum to my message. I=B4m not sure how the Garifuna ladies make
> bread. I=B4ve made an approximation of it by substituting canned
> milk for the liquid called for in my basic white bread recipe. You
> need several tries at it to get the exact flavor you want.
> Sandi
> O.k., the flavor of coconut, but no flakes or otherwise noticible
pieces of
> coconut in the crumb? Coconut milk seems like a brilliant idea.
> Janet
No...their bread has no coconut flakes or pieces in it. Just the flavor
od unsweetened coconut. Mine is a little softer crumb than theirs
was...but still ok.
BTW...we tried the coconut bread rolls as a base for biscuits and gravy
9no buttermilk and no soft wheat flour for flaky biscuits here in
Honduras) and it was great.