Thread: Way OT
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  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Goomba38 wrote:
> Sandi wrote:
> > Depends on where you are ...and how much effort you the consumer

> > put into it. The police won't do the leg work. Been there, done

> > with ID theft and ther perp is in prison as I type.I provided all

> > of infomation...including an address that the perp had used which I

> > never resided at. it showed up on my credit report...and they

> > her...for ID theft, grand larceny, forgery, bank fraud, theft of
> > negotiable instuments (she'd stolen checks form a local escrow
> > company). My latest credit report shows that none of this ever
> > occurred.
> > Sandi

> Any clue as to how she obtained your information?
> That's something I like to know to be forewarned,
> y'know?
> Goomba

She stole credit card bills addressed to me. I never saw the bills and
figured they were delayed in the mail (everything is forwarded from WA
state to me in Honduras). When the fraudulent charges appeared, I
contacted the companies and the credit bureaus. As soon as I sent in
the police report the compnaies dropped all the unauthorized charges.
