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Tony P.
Posts: n/a

In article . com>,
> Dog3 wrote:
> > "Sheldon" > wrote in
> >
> >
> > > Any clue as to how ----- obtained your information?
> > > That's something I like to know to be forewarned,
> > > y'know?
> > > Goomba
> > >
> > >

> >
> > My first info came from the credit bureau. Now my attorney is working

> on
> > it. I have had no help from the PD. I shouldn't say no help. They did

> what
> > I assume is their normal procedure. So far, everything done has been

> by me.
> >
> >

> The PD won't. But they are required to take a report and allow you to
> get a copy of it. Almost every agency I dealt with required a copy of
> the police report, the report number and the name of the investigating
> officer. They don't don anything until you present them with enough
> evidence to collar the person. Since it is a non violent crime, it
> doesn't have a high priority.

It's ridiculous since you have a location and if I remember correctly a
vehicle was purchased. That vehicle has an identifier that can be traced
to an address. From there the PD can notify the local PD to go have a
look see and generate any warrants necessary.

> I provided the PD with every shred of evidence they needed on my ID
> theft...including the perp's home address. The bank provided the
> information on the bank fraus end (as well as the info I provided when
> I received bank statements for an account I never opened). I did it all
> from Honduras while this was occurring in Washington state. (faxes,
> emails, and Fed Ex)I made one trip back to sign papers and reports and
> at that time the woman was already in jail awaiting trial.

In your case it worked. In many peoples cases it doesn't.