season wooden chopping boards
The Wolf wrote:
> I am a woodworker as well and I am shaking my head at you using organic over
> mineral oil too. Organic *can* go rancid (I didn't say it would) but mineral
> will never go rancid.
> To each his own...
Exactly. Again, my experience both at home and in running restaurants
for the past 3 decades has shown me that wooden boards oiled with
cooking oils (except olive) don't get rancid. I wash them and reoil a
few times a year. Sterilize often with peroxide and white vinegar.
Based on that long experience and staring at a couple wooden boards my
grandfather made a century ago that were originally oiled with olive
oil, I understand that mineral oil won't become rancid, but apparently
the other ones won't on boards that are used and cleaned often. I
figure a century is long enough to wait to see if it'll get rancid.
To each his own, as you say...