D=2EA.Martinich wrote:
> Living a long time in a region where there are many people of
> Mexican descent as well as immigrants, I have been fortunate
> to attend a number of "tardeadas" where carnitas was the featured
> dish. It was often pork shoulder but occasionally a whole pig
> was used. The muscle meat is separated from the fat and then
> separated by muscle rather than just sliced. The fat was then
> placed in a container large enough to hold the entire amount of
> meat. Some skin was used along with the fat. When it was melted
> the muscle meat was then added and cooked by deep frying. When the
> skin parts were done they were removed and when cool
> enough cut into chicharrones and eaten as a snack. At some point,
> orange juice, sugar or even pepsi cola was added to the fat, I think
> to encourage caramelization. The meat was considered done when it
> quit bubbling. When cool enough it was chopped and seved in fresh
> tortillas with salsa fresca and a pot of beans.
> D.M.
=A1Ay, Di=F3s m=EDo! This made me so hungry I had to break for some
smoked salmon on crackers. Thankfully, I have a market nearby that
caters to a Mexican population and I can get freshly made carnitas
there whenever I want.