"serene" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 19:18:37 -0800, D.A.Martinich wrote
> (in article . com>):
>> Living a long time in a region where there are many people of Mexican
>> descent as well as immigrants, I have been fortunate to attend a number
>> of "tardeadas" where carnitas was the featured dish. It was often pork
>> shoulder but occasionally a whole pig was used. The muscle meat is
>> separated from the fat and then separated by muscle rather than just
>> sliced. The fat was then placed in a container large enough to hold
>> the entire amount of meat. Some skin was used along with the fat.
>> When it was melted the muscle meat was then added and cooked by deep
>> frying. When the skin parts were done they were removed and when cool
>> enough cut into chicharrones and eaten as a snack. At some point,
>> orange juice, sugar or even pepsi cola was added to the fat, I think
>> to encourage caramelization. The meat was considered done when it quit
>> bubbling.
>> When cool enough it was chopped and seved in fresh tortillas with salsa
>> fresca and a pot of beans.
> Wow, that's fascinating. Almost makes me want to buy one of those
> turkey-deep-fryer things and try it.
> serene
Get one. Deep fried turkey is awesome. However, on an even more positive
note, you can deep fry just about anything you want. Deep fried Steak?
Deep fried Potato? They have a distinct taste but are really good tasting.
The only drawback to using a turkey deep fryer is that you use a whole lot
of oil, make a mess where you are cooking and then have to use the oil for
other things quickly before it goes rancid. Also, speaking from experience,
do NOT wear shorts while using it. Boiling oil is hot! ;->
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