In article .com>,
"Sheldon" > wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> > On Tue 01 Mar 2005 01:28:52a, Katra wrote in
> >
> > > So, dad bought 2 nice big beautiful bundles of Asparagus! I had a
> lot of
> > > older produce that I really needed to use up first, plus there were
> > > about 2 days worth of leftovers in the 'frige. It's been my
> experience
> > > that, even at a good regulated 40 degrees, asparagus starts to
> spoil
> > > after about 3 days. The tips (which are the best part!) go first,
> then
> > > after about 5 days, the stems start going soft.
> >
> > This would never happen in our house. No matter what else was in the
> fridge
> > or what was leftover, that asparagus would be lucky to last a day or
> two!
> > Tilia I need not.
> >
> > Wayne
> Me too. I've been known to polish off a pound of spears in one
> sitting, as raw crudites, sometimes au jus... not even any dip... but
> asparagus crudites are wonderful with a cream cheese n' lox dip.
> Sheldon
Most of the asparagus that I grow in the garden never makes it back into
the house... <lol> Both dad and I will pick it and eat it right there if
there are just a few ready spears and not enough for a meal!
None the less, it was a good test for the Tilia... :-)
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra