Thread: roux problem
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Dave Smith
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Dima wrote:

> Whenever I try to make a roux (for a cream soup base), I do the butter and flour as I should (and as
> I have seen on food tv), but the butter always seperates. I can even see it around the edges
> afterwards.
> What I do is melt half-cup butter in a pot over medium heat (electric stove) and add 6 tbs flour,
> mix for a bit until smooth and then add 2 cups milk and so on. But like I said, the butter always
> wants to return to the top afterwards.
> What am I doing wrong?

How much cream sauce are you making? That sounds like a lot of butter. Most of the time when I make a
roux for a sauce I am doing it just for the to of us. I use about a heaping tablespoon of each. I melt
the butter in the pan, stir in an equal amount of flour and stir it around. It forms a thick paste.