kilikini wrote:
> elaine wrote:
> > Last night for supper I made a cheese sauce that called for smoked
> > gouda - the sauce was good, but the cheese didn't really melt the
> > other cheeses, do plus it looked curdled. Is this normal for
> > Fortunately I wasn't entertaining a whole group of people!
> >
> > Elaine
> Yes, that's normal. Smoked Gouda isn't "real" cheese; at least every
> I've bought it it says processed cheese or processed cheese food. So
no, it
> doesn't melt.
> kili
As with most cheeses, you can find the real stuff and then there are a
lot of cheap immitations. You can certainly find real smoked or aged
Gouda from Holland in specialty stores or some supermarkets. I use it
for fricassee and haven't had much of a problem with it. Not sure how
you melt it into the sauce but usually grating the cheese and
incorporating it over a low heat would do the trick.