> I will let Jack comment on his recipe. I have always used chips
> rather than as essence. BUT, a word of caution. I like oaked red
> red grape wines, and I use a lot of oak in them. But my experiments
> fruit wines have not worked out well. I have found that I really do
> care for oak in any of the country wines I have tried it in and I
have made
> a lot. I am not suggesting you not do it but I would suggest you try
> small batches, maybe 1 gal., first, to see if you like it. I really
> thought that cherry would be an ideal candidate for oak since I like
> reds. Did not like it at all.
> Ray
I have a batch of cherry wine that I also wanted to oak because I had
read that cherry was the closest to real grape wine (Jack Keller had
mentioned it in his recipe). I might just try a gallon of it oaked to
see for myself - was going to do the whole 5 gallons.