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In article >,
"Nancy Young" > wrote:

> "Katra" > wrote
> > Won't that tend to freeze stuff at the back of the refrigerator tho'?
> > I've been tempted to turn the Hobart thermostat down a bit, but I was
> > afraid of stressing the compressor! This is a very, very old unit and
> > I'm spending about $250.00 per year in repairs to keep it alive......

> Why? I'm not being sarcastic, you could have put a major down
> payment on a new one. I've been the you can't get the refrigerator
> you want, they have to order it. So, you're stuck when yours dies,
> living out of a cooler and buying ice by the ton. It's one thing to
> live without tv or a washing machine ... no refrigeration is a real
> hassle. You're pouring money down the drain at this point, I'm
> sincerely curious why?
> nancy

Because a refrigerator of this quality, 40 cubic ft. Double glass front
doors, regulated temp with a REAL thermostat and not stupid little dialy
thingies that you can almost never get to work right, costs well over
$3,000 to purchase even a good used one, and I got it from our lab for
$200.00. ;-) I love the space, I love the convenince, I love the ease
in cleaning.... and so far, no repairs THIS year. I figure once we fix
all the problems, it won't be any big deal for awhile. I've only had it
for 3 years.

I can't get another frige like this one easily......

I LOVE having this much space, and this stable of a temp.

$250.00 per year is p-nuts. I'd have bought a new one in, what, 12
years. <lol>

We'll see how it runs this year. :-) Now that that freon leak was
FINALLY found, I don't anticipate having to spend anything this year.....



Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra