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I use it in lasagne, with a beaten egg mixed in to help it set up. I
also use it as a protein choice in my diabetic diet....Sharon

aem wrote:
> biig wrote:
> > I have a tub of cottage cheese with the "best by" date of Feb 19. It
> > looks ok and doesn't have an odor. would it be still ok to use in a
> > recipe? Thanks.....Sharon

> Sorry, I don't know any recipes that use cottage cheese. The only way
> I've ever eaten it is inside a ring of canned pineapple topped with a
> maraschino cherry. I was younger than 10, and cottage cheese went
> immediately onto the list of "okay, I've tried it and I never need to
> try it again" things. I'd say throw it out, but not because it has
> spoiled, which it probably has not if it looks ok and doesn't have an
> odor. <g>
> -aem