Thread: Breakfast
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Dog3 wrote:
> I'm bored with eggs. I've made too many things with them. I decided
> to make cheese grits this morning. Shredded cheddar, a bit of
> chopped
> bacon, scalions and baked. Oh, lots of butter. Delish. But I love
> grits. I know there are grits haters and beet haters on this group
> Michael

IMHO, people who hate grits simply haven't had them prepared properly.
But I am a Southerner, and thus may be biased on this subject (no -
you think?). In fact, a slice or three of country ham, with grits and
red eye gravy and fresh hot biscuits, makes the perfect breakfast as
far as I'm concerned. And as far as non-breakfast uses are concerned,
I've been known to serve pork chops with fresh greens, biscuits, and
fried grits for supper. Or grilled deviled shrimp with rat cheese
grits 'n' andouille. I think I'm drooling on the keyboard!

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