On 2 Mar 2005 15:55:29 -0800, "Sheldon" > wrote:
>nancree wrote:
>> Yes, it should be fine. Here's a tip I've used for years, with great
>> success, for extending the life of cottage cheese. Store the cottage
>> cheese carton upside down, both before opening, and especially,after
>> opening. This somehow blocks off a lot of air . Be sure to put in
>> a container (I use a wide shallow soup bowl, or a piece of aluminum
>> foil crunched up around it. ) You don't want the lid coming off when
>> you are picking it up. (says she who once ended up with cottage
>> in her shoes ! ;-(
>> It really works.
>> Nancree
>Humphh... and here I always thought cottage cheese kept best in a
Farmer cheese.