Boron Elgar wrote:
> On 2 Mar 2005 15:55:29 -0800, "Sheldon" > wrote:
> >
> >nancree wrote:
> >> Yes, it should be fine. Here's a tip I've used for years, with
> >> success, for extending the life of cottage cheese. Store the
> >> cheese carton upside down, both before opening, and
> >> opening. This somehow blocks off a lot of air . Be sure to put
> >in
> >> a container (I use a wide shallow soup bowl, or a piece of
> >> foil crunched up around it. ) You don't want the lid coming off
> >> you are picking it up. (says she who once ended up with cottage
> >cheese
> >> in her shoes ! ;-(
> >> It really works.
> >> Nancree
> >
> >Humphh... and here I always thought cottage cheese kept best in a
> >blintz.
> Farmer cheese.
> Boron
Yeah, well... was trying to keep it goyish. <g>
Not easy to find farmer cheese nowadays... usta be so common...
excellent onna slab uff kornbrot mit matjes herring.
So where's the pot cheese, noo? Pot cheese is really the typical
blintz cheese... farmer cheese is much too dry.
If you think farmer cheese is hard to find then ferget pot cheese... I
don't know where one finds pot cheese anymore.