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Dan Abel
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In article >, "pennyaline"
<nsmitchell@spamspamspamspamspamspamspameggandspam .com> wrote:

> Dan Abel wrote:
> > I wrote:
> > > And on the subject of "carb-free alcohol": alcohol is created by

> metabolism
> > > of carbohydrates. Not every alcoholic beverage is "carb-free." Only

> >
> >
> > Spirits are made by distillation. No sugars or complex carbohydrates can
> > come across. If none are added later, then distilled beverages have no
> > sugar or complex carbohydrates.

> Right. That's what I said. They are only carb-free if all carbohydrate
> molecules have been converted to alcohol and if none are added to the
> finished product.

Not true. If you take something that has unfermented sugar or complex
carbohydrates and distill it, the sugar and/or complex carbohydrates are
left behind in the stuff you discard, and the finished product will
contain no sugar or complex carbohydrates.

> > However, I don't think that people on
> > this group care about the chemical definition of stuff. I suspect that
> > the effect of alcohol is similar to the action of carbs for people on a
> > low carb diet.

> Why wouldn't they care?

That was an over-simplification, but I think most people in this group who
are interested in the carbohydrate content of foods are on low carb diets.

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University