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djs0302 wrote:
> aem wrote:
> > The big deal about salsa is simply that it's better than ketchup.

> No, it's not, especially if it has cilantro in it. Yuck! The only
> thing I use salsa on is on things like burritos or tortilla chips.
> Most everything else gets ketchup.

Here's a quote from the wonderful "Handbook of Practical Cookery for
Ladies and Professional Cooks. Containing the Whole Science and Art of
Preparing Human Food.
By Pierre Blot. Professor of Gastronomy, and Founder of the New York
Cooking Academy.
New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1868" from the great Feeding America
website someone posted recently:

"Beware of what is sold under the name of catsups and pickles; many
cases of dyspepsia, debility, and consumption come from using such

lol, -aem