Katra wrote:
> Clipped most of the discussion
> Honestly, if you can grow cacti, you can grow herbs! They like warm
> temps. Mine are on the West side of the house where they stay fairly
> warm during the winter. Most of them are pretty easy as most herbs are
> "weeds". <G> Try some rosemary and sage at first. Those are friendly to
> a desert environment! So is dittany of crete, a type of oregano.
Here in the high desert, we get freezing temps and I have to move some of the more frost tender cacti & succulents indoors in the winter. I've got
chamomile that has reseeded itself many times over in the garden bed. It seems to be very hardy, blooms Feb-May then goes away when the heat moves
in. Dried, it smells so much better than anything you can buy, but it's kinda of a pain to harvest. Chamomile is kinda of a weed, too. My bay, sage,
rosemary, and chives are evergreen, as is the oregano and parsley if we don't get snow.