Timothy Hartley wrote:
> In message .com>
> "Dan The Man" > wrote:
> >
> > Tam wrote:
> > > Los Angeles Times
> > >
> > > Who's killing the great wines of France?
> > >
> > > Facing a crisis, the French wine industry is finally forced to
> > its
> > > grasp on tradition.
> > >
> >
> > Thanks for the link.
> > It seems odd, though, that they don't make any mention of some
> > decision to boycott anything French.
> >
> > Dan-O
> >
> Presumably because it has made little difference to anything or
> they think that it will be very short term.
> This is totally OT but I do not understand the boycott anyway. After
> neither France nor the UK boycotted Americal goods because Eisenhower
had a
> sulk and opposed the Suez operation. I speak as a supporter of
getting rid
> of Saddam, whether or not he had WMD, but I don't see why the
winegrowers or
> cheesemakers of France should be penalised for the activities of
> government - let alone why anyone should cut off their nose to
spite their
> face in refusing to drink French wine.
> Timothy Hartley
I don't have any stats for you Timothy, but I have noticed that my
local state-owned store has fewer "everyday" French wines than it used
to. And I live in a "blue" state (Pennsylvania).
I won't touch the politics of the boycott with a ten-foot pole. I did
that last summer already, and it started a major flame-fest!
As for the article itself, I suppose the writer may have been limited
by space, a tight deadline, or (possibly) an anti-boycott editor. Mere
speculation on my part.