Thread: Resteeping?
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  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> My Mom did the same thing. It was the prosperous 50's. But, she had lived
> through the depression, which left its mark. Melinda, your prejudice
> against
> the lowly teabag is showing. Could this be a deep seated anger directed at
> the working classes out of which I proudly hail, possibly but not probably
> explaining why I can't spell.
> Michael

Michael, your upper class intelligencia prejudice is can't
spell because you're lower class? Is that only because you're a member of
the people? Remember our Cuban comrads used to read books to each other in
the factories....

Nah...I liked Lipton decaf (I assume that's what it was in the
green box, which then came to mean green tea, which is what I always called
it...but I'm not sure that it was green tea, I think it might have been
decaf) with plenty of milk and sugar when I was young. And when I wasn't
drinking coffee. (I used to get some good coffee when I was little...which
is probably why I'm so blasted short...). I don't think I was drinking the
tea at that point for the tea, if you get my drift...I'm sure the sugar
content probably had something to do with it.

I'm just mad that I didn't realize that there was better tea out there for
so long...::sob:: so many years wasted...:P

Melinda, nuking a leftover cup of Bargang for morning tea...STILL lightyears
ahead of an American cardboard box teabag