On 4 Mar 2005 09:15:58 -0800, "Dan The Man" >
>I don't have any stats for you Timothy, but I have noticed that my
>local state-owned store has fewer "everyday" French wines than it used
>to. And I live in a "blue" state (Pennsylvania).
>I won't touch the politics of the boycott with a ten-foot pole. I did
>that last summer already, and it started a major flame-fest!
>As for the article itself, I suppose the writer may have been limited
>by space, a tight deadline, or (possibly) an anti-boycott editor. Mere
>speculation on my part.
You might be interested in visiting my blog and reading a piece I did
about ten days ago called "Boycott Logic" which addresses just a few
of the complexities of the boycott issue.
The French wine problem is only peripherally effected by the boycott
at this point IMHO, since most buyers of quality French wine are not
into emotion-laden political payback and most intense boycotters
aren't really going to be the regular spenders of big bucks on volume
purchases of French wines.
The current glut may have as much to do with over-inflated ratings by
the likes of Laube, Suckling, Parker, et. al. and under-valued dollars
against the euro as anything.
Ed Rasimus
Fighter Pilot (USAF-Ret)
"When Thunder Rolled"