Ed Rasimus wrote:
> The French wine problem is only peripherally effected by the boycott
> at this point IMHO, since most buyers of quality French wine are not
> into emotion-laden political payback and most intense boycotters
> aren't really going to be the regular spenders of big bucks on volume
> purchases of French wines.
I agree with you totally Ed. Boycotters in the US are not going to
make a dent in sales.
> The current glut may have as much to do with over-inflated ratings by
> the likes of Laube, Suckling, Parker, et. al. and under-valued dollars
> against the euro as anything.
I think the 40% rise in 4 years of the euro against the dollar has put
such a strain on the producers and imports and there is just not enough
margin left to hold prices down. With a glut on all sides, domestic wines
become a bargain.