"<RJ>" > wrote:
>I was buying a box of Kroger Saltine crackers
>when I noticed the box of "Wheat Saltines" next to it.
>Hmmm.... WHEAT sounds alot healthier.
>I bought one of each.
>When I got home, I looked at the ingredients list.
>WHEAT saltines are identical to Regular saltines
>with the exception of "Caramel coloring"
>FRAUD ? maybe "customer misdirection" ?
>I wrote to Kroger, asking them about the labeling.
>Here's their response;
>"Thank you for contacting us. A whole wheat cracker (meaning that it's
>whole grain) would have to say 100% Whole Wheat in the ingredient
>statement. The above cracker does not indicate this. I hope this
>information is helpful."
>What the hell did they say ?
I don't know what they said any more than you do - but all of us here
like these better than the regular saltine crackers, whatever they're
made of.