Thread: Stupid RBR
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"D.B. Cooper" > wrote in message
>I have lurked in rbr occassionaly for 7 years now. What I have noticed is
> gradual decline in quality of the posts,and the groups in general. The
> Critpro, Magillagorilla and other anonymous obnoxious flame throwers have
> basically taken over the group. There is very little lucid and compelling
> comments left.
> Brian Lafferty is left to defend his opinions against many illadvised
> losers. Carl Sundquist still does a great job. Jobst Brandt long ago quit
> posting. Bruce Hildensomething gave up years ago. Adam Meyerson
> basically
> has quit posting. K.Papai's postings have lost their punch. Kunich, as
> grumpy and opinionated as he was, has quit posting. On and on .... Most
> of
> what is left is the reactions to trolls. What a waste of time.
> I would like to propose a new group for those types. It would be called
> rec.bicycles.kneejerktrollers
> Dan

Usenet has declined quite a bit from say 7yrs ago. It seems all the
inconsiderate types have found their way to the NG's. 10+ years ago when I
started you'd never be flamed and peope were much more reasonible.

Back then there were few kids on and mostly the more mature types.