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In article >, Michel Boucher > wrote:
(Phred) wrote in news:38r7d4F5qjsamU1
>> In article . com>,
>> "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" > wrote:
>>>It is written that what is impossible for man is possible for God.

>> How can this be so, given that man was made in God's image?
>> P.S. You've got me buggered with that "MD", mate.
>> I know BS = bullshit; MS = more shit; and PhD = piled higher and
>> deeper. But MD = ? (More deep?)

>I lean towards "Masturbatory dickhead".

Speaking of which, earlier this week a letter writer in the local
daily tabloid was being a little critical of some opposing views, so
he referred to the author as "Richard Cranium".

Cheers, Phred.
