Kitchen Aid mixer problem
I have a KA stand mixer., a KSM90
It has a silver collar immediately beneath the KA name which covers up the
screws that hold on the head of the beater.
It doesn't do anything, it's just there for looks I think and maybe to keep
stuff out of the orbiting head.
Anywhichways, it's decided to come off and I can't get the thing to stay
back on there. It doesn't have any lock type thingo, and it doesn't have
any way of holding itself on. It simply slips down every time I put it back
Has anyone had a similar problem? I guess I could glue it on somehow but
that doesn't seem to be a wise first choice.
I emailed KA over a week ago about it but they haven't responded (or even
acknowledged it!)
In the words of an endearing little chappy with big fingers "Need Input"
Hoges in WA